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320 Ward Ave Ste 205 Honolulu, HI 96814
Opening Hours

Mon - Sat: 10AM - 7PM

BeautyMed Therapy was founded in 2016 and has been actively cultivating  wellness therapy here in Hawaii with a wide range of natural, healing therapies and treatments. Thai Banyan is a perfect synthesis of quality service and deep respect for natural healing for the mind and body.

Encompassing a wide range of  modalities, we specialize in Traditional Massage style, both northern (stretching with a slow and relaxing rhythm) and southern (firm pressure and vigorous energy lines work.) This ancient holistic therapy has been proven to improve ones vitality and wellness by aiding the body return to a state of harmony, balance, flexibility and good health.

New technology lifting without surgery that leaves your skin looking tighter and firmer! Call for more special discount or call us today!
